Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Everything's Jake

Here's my cheerful new mascot, representative of the other stuffed animals in our family at home. He's curious, adventuresome, and self-reliant enough that if he decides to go on walkabout somewhere along the trip I shouldn't worry about him. He loves riding on the bike, and the first time it rained a little he didn't mind a bit.

Last training ride home from work on Monday, I was not sure whether to hop on the bus at the top of the 5-mile hill or keep going 15 more miles all the way home. "I'm good", he seemed to say, and "Let's go!" With him, everything's Jake. Yesterday my legs were still recovering and I was tired; without him along pestering me to keep riding I chose to take the bus home. After all, he's not the one pushing the pedals.


  1. So is your mascot named Jake? Or is everything he encounters named Jake? I know of a children's book, where everyone and everything is named 'Jacqueline'. Perhaps Jake fell from this book, onto your drops? Please let us know.

    1. His name is Jake. I was thinking of the phrase, "everything's Jake", which I seem to recall means that everything is okay and which his positive demeanor suggests. He might appreciate an introduction to Jacqueline if that were to be arranged.
